
"V zelo kratkem času človeške vrste - govorimo o desettisočih let - v tem kratkem obdobju je človek tako močno posegel v naravo, da bo težko sanirati posledice. Človek je - kot ena vrsta - s svojimi posegi povzročil novo množično izumiranje organizmov, ki smo mu priča danes." doc. dr. Matjaž Kuntner, predstojnik Biološkega inštituta …

Nadaljuj z branjem #1984

The Principles of Design: Font Choices

The Daily Post

Hi bloggers! My name’s Kjell Reigstad, and I’m a designer at Automattic. This is part six in my monthly series on “The Principles of Design.” In this series, I share some of the basic tenets of design, and we explore how to apply them to your blog.
Previous installments:

Visual Hierarchy
Color Harmony
Design Iteration & Feedback

There are millions of beautiful typefaces out in the world. They’re easy to appreciate but sometimes it can be daunting to actually choose one. On WordPress.com, we’ve recently added a number of new typeface options for everyone, so I thought I’d share a few pieces of advice on selecting fonts for your blog.

Context is key

When choosing a font, the most important thing to consider is the sort of text it’ll be applied to. This will help determine whether you’re looking for a display face or a text face.

Display faces are meant to…

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Drawing Parallels Between Elon Musk and the Wright Brothers


There are a number of suggestive parallels between [Elon] Musk and the Wrights, beyond the obvious ones to do with an interest in flight. The [Wright brothers’ father] had very high standards and set no limits on the intellectual curiosity he encouraged in his children; Musk’s father had the same standards and the same insistence on no limits, but was (is) a tortured and difficult presence, ‘good at making life miserable’, in Musk’s words: ‘He can take any situation no matter how good it is and make it bad.’ The Wrights were poorish, the Musks affluentish, but both grew up with an emphasis on learning things first-hand. ‘It is remarkable how many different things you can get to explode,’ Musk says about his childhood experiments. ‘I’m lucky I have all my fingers.’ One very odd thing is a parallel to do with bullies: Musk was set on and beaten half to…

View original post 95 more words

The European refugee crisis and EU governance

Ali potrebuje EU agencijo, ki bi odločala o prošnjah za azil?

london-brussels one-way or return

We have all been greatly affected by the unfolding European refugee crisis and the EU’s failure to offer a coherent response. Another EU default, in the same summer as the Greek debt crisis. Most observers will agree that both crises are not just of the EU’s own making, but that does not erase the fact that the policy responses appear wholly inadequate.

In my previous blog I critiqued the rules-based approach of EMU and Eurozone governance. Not that it is bad to have good rules, but for a well-functioning economic and monetary union a mere set of rules on national budgetary discipline is insufficient. Some kind of fiscal transfer mechanism is required. Today I read that a French member of government, Mr Macron, is of the same view.

It is remarkable that a similar analysis can be made of the refugee crisis, as pointed out in Wolfgang Munchau’s excellent

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INFO | Seznam lokacij namestitvenih centrov za begunce

ZBIRNIK KAPACITET PO POROČILU O LOKACIJAH A. KAPACITETE V OKVIRU KONTINGENTNEGA NAČRTA Azilni dom (Ljubljana) in integracijski hiši (Ljubljana in Maribor) Center za tujce (Postojna) Samski dom na Kotnikovi (Ljubljana) Počitniški dom Debeli Rtič (Ankaran) Kompleks Logatec B. NEPREMIČNINE ZA TRIAŽNE-SPREJEMNE CENTRE POLICIJE  Območje Občine Brežice Območje Občine Črnomelj Območje Občine Grad Območje Občine Ilirska …

Nadaljuj z branjem INFO | Seznam lokacij namestitvenih centrov za begunce