Nove metode biometrične identifikacije | THE DISH

Prstni odtisi so bili najzanesljivejše biometrično sredstvo za identifikacijo. Ker jih je mogoče reproducirati, strokovnjaki iščejo nove metode zanesljive in varne identifikacije. Kot alternativo navajajo tudi vzorec (dela) ožilja pri posamezniku.

The Dish


It can be done from photographs:

In his talk at the Chaos Computer Club — Europe’s largest hacker organization — Jan Krissler said he used a high-profile target for his attempt: German defense minister Ursula von der Leyen. Krissler, also known by the pseudonym “Starbug,” used several close-range photos from a “standard photo camera” of von der Leyen’s hand from a few angles before creating an image of her thumbprint via VeriFinger, a software program used to read fingerprints.

In a 2013 interview, the same hacker panned Apple’s fingerprint reader: 

Biometry just also has its weaknesses. Unlike passwords that are either right or wrong, there is always a certain probability of match. Therefore the TouchID scanner isn’t really a security method, but a comfortable method. Had Apple made the mechanism more secure, too many people would have struggled turning on their iPhone and too many people would have been rejected…

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Poročilo ameriškega senatnega odbora o mučenju: ‘Težko je požreti, vendar večjih presenečenj ni’

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Nadaljuj z branjem Poročilo ameriškega senatnega odbora o mučenju: ‘Težko je požreti, vendar večjih presenečenj ni’

Ekonomske posledice slabih sestankov | IDEAS.TED.COM

Na sestanek vas povabi oseba, ki je ne poznate. Glede projekta, za katerega ste komajda slišali. Pravzaprav niti ne veste, kako bi lahko prispevali k takemu sestanku. In kljub temu sprejmete. David Grady in Jason Fried pojasnjujeta, koliko časa izgubite na ta račun in kaj lahko storite. Pa še to: 9 od 10 ljudi na …

Nadaljuj z branjem Ekonomske posledice slabih sestankov | IDEAS.TED.COM

Kaj nas lahko pismo iz leta 1855 nauči o današnjih startupih?

Prvi “startup” nasveti – pismo iz leta 1855 #DanielMcCallum


In 1855, Daniel McCallum wrote a letter to his bosses at the New York & Erie Railroad. McCallum had risen up through the ranks from carpenter, to bridge engineer, to chief of bridges, to regional manager of the Susquehanna division of the railroad. His latest promotion, to general manager of the entire railroad, was a big one.

So he picked up his pen and put his ideas about managing the railroad down on paper. It was the first time we know of that anyone ever did this.

McCallum’s biggest problem was cost-per-mile. As fast as the railroad grew in size, operating costs grew faster. Where the company should have seen productivity improvement (declining cost per mile), it saw the opposite. Communication, coordination, operations, sales — all became more difficult, not less so, as the railroad grew.

For McCallum, a productivity problem was a general management problem. And his ideas about general management marked a turning point in business history.

Fast forward…

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