How Law Firms are Responding to COVID-19

Sentiment around financial futures in the legal community has shifted to a more positive outlook than in prior stages of the pandemic. Though financial stability remains a top concern among legal professionals of all practice areas, 52% of survey respondents are more optimistic about the future of their firm than they were 30 days ago.How …

Nadaljuj z branjem How Law Firms are Responding to COVID-19

Legal tech booming while pace of investment in legal tech is stalling

Chatting with Bob Ambrogi, while he was visiting Seattle this week, we agreed that legal tech was growing like at no other time. Tech’s been around legal for a long time and we’ve had a lot of folks like he and I involved in legal tech companies and its coverage for a couple decades or more. …

Nadaljuj z branjem Legal tech booming while pace of investment in legal tech is stalling

State supreme courts and bar associatons are limiting access to legal services

The latest comes from the New Jersey Supreme Court, the governing body for lawyer licensure in the state, which last week blacklisted services from Avvo, LegalZoom and RocketLawyer that match consumers with attorneys because of concerns over fee-sharing and referral fees. [...] Lawyers, courts and bar associations talk a good game when it comes to public …

Nadaljuj z branjem State supreme courts and bar associatons are limiting access to legal services

Should Attorneys Learn to Code |

Having authored a computer language for attorneys, you might think my answer to the question of whether attorneys should learn to code is an unqualified “Yes.” In truth, my answer is “It depends.” It depends on what you mean by code. It depends on who you mean by attorneys, and it certainly depends on what’s… More …

Nadaljuj z branjem Should Attorneys Learn to Code |

Zakaj bi morali prepovedati robote ubijalce: Toby Walsh

Profesor umetne inteligence z Univerze Novega južnega Walesa Toby Walsh pojasnjuje, zakaj bi morali prepovedati robote, ki lahko kot avtonomno orožje locirajo, sledijo in uničijo tarčo. V svojem prispevku obravnava in ovrže pet tez, ki se običajno pojavljajo v prid argumentom razvoja takih robotov. Skupaj s svojimi kolegi je Walsh podpisnik odprtega pisma, v katerem pozivajo …

Nadaljuj z branjem Zakaj bi morali prepovedati robote ubijalce: Toby Walsh

Ste bili oškodovanec kaznivega dejanja?

Od 1. aprila 2015 lahko do informacij o poteku, fazi in zaključku predkazenskega postopka za kaznivo dejanje, v katerem ste bili oškodovani, dostopate tudi prek spletne aplikacije. V policiji so namreč pripravili novo spletno aplikacijo Obveščanje oškodovancev kaznivih dejanj, ki je namenjena oškodovancem kaznivih dejanj.  Oškodovanec v zahtevana polja vpiše svoje podatke, in sicer ime in priimek, EMŠO, …

Nadaljuj z branjem Ste bili oškodovanec kaznivega dejanja?